Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Can't Believe Tomorrow is September

Next week Bill will be back in school, and Jeremy will be back in Day Care. I'm not looking foward to dropping him off that first morning. I'm thinking he may start crying which just breaks my heart. Once he's there he has loads of fun, and has lots of friends. My other concern is last year he was so sick, flue, colds, 2 ear infections. The Day Care attempted to blame me (not enough vitamins) after talking to my local Pharamist I went back to the Day Care, and asked how often they washed the toys....surprise surprise there were no more comments made to me. Jeremy continued to get sick though....go figure. Plus we discovered with the last ear infection that there is a good chance he is allergic to Antiboitics. Oh what fun. I'm going to be trying garlic ear drops on a regular basis this year to try and prevent ear infections.

~ Stitching News ~
Well still not back working on the model I should be working on. Finished part of my piece for a RR that has a mail out date by tommorrow. Gees I need to get busy. I need to find an alphabet tonight so all can sign their square, stitch mine, and then get it ready to mail out tomorrow.

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