Thursday, December 20, 2007
Cards, Gifts & Shopping Oh My
Stitching News
So close to being done the model I can taste it. Two motifs left, and the border.
I'm going to try an interesting challenge in 2008 called the Take Further Challenge. It's a designing challenge, she gives a theme and then you have a month to develop it into a design. I'm not expecting miracles, but I might get a couple usable ornie charts or small charts. At least use my creative brain try something new. Take It Further Challenge After reading the instructions again you can either work the idea on paper or your choice of needle art. I'm thinking right now any ideas I come up with will stay on paper until I have the time to stitch
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Godard Show
Work is going well, but pretty busy. I'm sure things will slow down now that it is getting closer to Christmas. Or at least I hope so. I miss posting to my blog.
Taking the lazy way out when buying some Christmas gifts this year. I've done about five gifts on-line, and have them ship them for Actually turns out a lot cheaper for me the shipping part anyways.
Stitching News
Still plugging away on the model, and still so close to being Hope to post a Happy Dance by the weekend.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Come on Come On Admit It Ya Missed Me
Stitching News
Still working on the model. The last two weeks I haven't gotten much done in it, and I need to get it done ASAP.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Okay Interesting Exercise
Stitching News
I've done jack squat it seems this week. I need to get my act in gear and get stitching. Some one kick me in the behind to get going.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Yeah I'm Probably Nuts
Here is a before pic:
Here is the after pic:
It looks really good from the inside. So yesterday after work I treated myself to a new top, new pants (nice warm ones), a new toque and new gloves. My plan is to walk to work as long as the temperature is above -20 C. Yikes, yeah I'm probably nuts, but the walk will be good for me. We are talking about 10 to 15 minutes at the most. I have a good coat and good boots to wear so I won't totally freeze just feel like I'm freezing.
Stitcing News
Well with working all day, errands after work, grabbing Jeremy, and doing Hockey last night by the time I sat down I was to tired to work on anything. Seeing as I'm walking to work today I'll take lunch in the lunch room so I took the model with me I'll probably work on that there.
Monday, December 03, 2007
New Job Starts Today
Stitching News
Got bunch done on the RR finished a section just started the next one. I will take pics later.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like.....
Stitchy News
It's a models life. Ok here after much anticipation, and waiting...yeah right, but here it is anyways the model I'm working on. I'm really enjoying stitching it. Stitched on a tan linen using Waterlilies Floss 025 Holiday.
Great Now What
Started putting the Christmas Tree up yesterday, and will finish that today. Jeremy and I went to see the movie Enchanted yesterday it was so good. I really enjoyed it. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
So brings me to the question how many blogs does all the 3 people who read my blog have? I know Loretta has a So how about the rest of you? I'll start:
Me I have three this one, Finishing Techniques, and my Bitchy one link held to protect the innocent. So why three blogs? I've always wondered why people had multiple Blogs, and now I'm writing in three. This one, and Finishing Techniques I update regular, but the Bitchy One has maybe one entry in
Stitchy News
Did loads on the RR I hope to take pics later. Dang plus I promised a pic of the model so I hope to do that today. So I guess I need to get going on that.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
I'm going to blow my own horn again
Friday, November 30, 2007
Last Day of Challenge
Well here is kiddo this morning. He always wants his pic taken when I'm taking updates of Do you think he's cold?
Stitching News
Other than finishing an ornie I did no stitching last night. Here is the pic of the ornie. Please don't look to closely at the finishing as it isn't perfect, but I think it's acceptable. It's a free pattern from Stitching The Night Away I used the May 2005 ornie, but I changed it a little. I did the beads differently than they were charted. I also did just regular x's around the outside of it instead of the stem stitch. The bead border inside the x's is my touch too. I like beads and You can find the finishing instructions I used here Basic Flat Ornie
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Long Day
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Using What I have
STNA Free Ornie Patterns I figure I should have some sort of finish on Finishing Techniques Going to try one of the finishes that I have put up there.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Stacey Shut The F***K Up
Stitching News
Worked on RR Chatelaine yesterday. Thinking I should stitch a little something as a Christmas Ornie for myself.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Excellent Outcome
Stitching News
Working away on the RR this round I get to work on a Chatelaine. This is what it looks like right now I'm pretty sure I should be able to finish that bottom section minus the beads, and start Section 6. It's all stitched in silks and sparkly floss which I love. The colours don't thrill me as I'm not into the earthy tones, but it is going to look fabulous when it's done.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Michael Godard Meets Wayne Gretzky
Well the great shopping spree of 2007 has come and gone. Seems like once a year Bill and I spend a whack load of cash. Okay not every year, but last year we did when we bought the couch and love seat. So yesterday we head out, and I was totally not thinking I'd see any coffee tables that I'd like I found four that would work (darn), and one that I really liked (double darn). So we are heading back to Edmonton today, and when we do we will grab that coffee table. So the BIG spending spree Bill has always admired Wayne Gretzky, and for years has been looking at memorabilia collector pieces. So yesterday we were in an Art store just looking around. They had two pieces that Bill was really interested in 1) was a Gretzky photo on canvas & he's holding the Stanley Cup and 2) was an Oilers Gretzky Jersey framed. Both signed by the Great One himself....hehehehehe. So the guys working at the store can tell that Bill likes them so they start the barter dance. I hate the barter dance I find it dull, boring and a waste of my time, but whatever. Finally Bill comes up and says he could have both for price X I say okay if you want them go for it. He's like huh? You want them get them. For what he was getting the price didn't seem bad. What Bill didn't know is I had been searching stuff on Google for Christmas.....hehehehehehe. So he's still debating when he sees me looking at the Michael Godard's, and asks which one I'd pick. I said well the Hockey one. He's like yeah the Hockey one? Yup that one. Bill then points out that how they have it framed it wouldn't fit where we would put it. I said I know but that's my favorite my second favorite is the Lava Lounge. Next thing I know Bill turns around, and asks if we can get the Hockey one any where else in the Mall. Nope, but they might have one in their stock room unopened in the smaller black frame. Bill told them to go get it. He then turns to me kisses my neck and says Merry Christmas. I was like no way. Okay then. So they bring up my canvas, and Bill pays. Now the other exciting thing is Michael Godard is coming to West Edmonton Mall on Dec 8th. This Art Gallery is having a by invitation only party that evening. Get who scored an invitation ME. Yup I'm going it's the same night as Bill's Christmas Party, and both are held at the West Edmonton Mall so I'm going to be a partying fool, okay probably by myself but that's okay.
Now for the drama. So I look over all three pieces very carefully. We then say okay we are going for lunch then we have to get a truck and we'll be back. When we left the store all three were out of the boxes. We come back with a truck. All three pieces are now boxed up. The two Gretzky pieces are put in a box the one with the jersey has plexiglass on it the canvas one is wrapped and in a box. Mine the Godard looks like it is just wrapped in cardboard and tape over the ends. Bill asks if they packed that one good enough, and they are like oh yeah it's fine. So we take them and leave. Pack them carefully in the truck and drive home. We get home get in the house, and we unpack Gretzky holding the cup and hang it in the living room. It's actually a really nice piece, and looks great on the canvas. We then unpack mine, and before we get the cardboard off I say what the hell is that? Just along the bottom just off center is about a 6 inch very thin but very noticeable cut or crack in the canvas. I was like UG. Here Bill does this really nice thing to get me something he knows I'd really like and enjoy for years, and we get it home, and it's damaged. First he called the store back, but the staff we were dealing with were gone for the day. Next he called VISA, but we don't have purchase insurance on our card. So we are heading back to their store today with it. I keep going over in my mind was it something we could have done, but no. For someone to have cut it like that while it was boxed the cardboard would have to have been damaged, but the cardboard is in perfect condition. I don't know. I'm not even sure what the store will do if anything. I know what I'd like them to do as I don't believe the piece was damaged in our possession. The other two are fine. I think something happened when they were packaging it up. That will teach me not to leave while they package my sutff up ever again.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I Don't Want A Coffee Table
As far as art goes I know what I want. I want two Michael Godard's yeah I don't dream big, but I love his stuff. It's so bright, colourful and funny. Here's my favorite:
We Olive To Hockey
Friday, November 23, 2007
It's Some What Depressing
Stitching News
Model coming along nicely. Almost ready to start a new page. I'm over half way. Can't wait about a week and then I can show it off to the world.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Why Don't People Make Things?
1) Cost. When we were kids, and my Mom would sew us clothes as it was cheaper for her to make us clothes than to buy them new. Now a days omg have you seen the price of fabric, and patterns? Even at Wal-Mart. I can find Jeremy a pair of pants new for $5 - $7 no way I can make it at that price.
2) Time. There are more couples where both people are working outside or inside the house. Even working inside the house you have certain hours that you have to be doing whatever your job is, and that leaves less time to do other things.
It's kind of sad as there was a time when knowing how to sew, knit, quilt and basic cooking were essential parts of knowing how to care for your family. I'm not even talking about Women HAVING to know this stuff at least someone had If you didn't know those things your family could have been in pretty dire straights. Now with all the modern conveniences that essential knowledge has turned into a luxury of if I had enough time to do it, and the money to spare I would.
For those of us that for example cross stitch we don't see it as a luxury, but an intricate part of our sanity. I know how grumpy and out of sorts I can become if I go to many days without my needle. Just my way of having control over a teeny tiny part of the universe...hmmmmm....could be. At least on the piece of fabric I'm working on everything is in order, all the cross lay the same way, a part of my house is neat (the backs of my fabric) and I can shut out anything I don't want to think about except what colour I'm going to use next, and do I have enough floss left to finish that row.
Wow pretty deep for a Thursday
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
New Blog Launched
Hide It Under A Bushel Yes......
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
From Walking To Striding
Stitching News
Well I got the next round in the UFO RR it's Chatelaine's Mystery VIII. Will be interesting to stitch as I've been considering a Chatelaine. Well the new blog is all created I just need to start I hope to get something in there today. Trying to figure out how I want to organize Oh what fun.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Stitching I Will Go.....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Western Finals
Oh my goodness good news Jeremy got his report card on Friday. He got mostly 3's which is basically doing average work, some 2's and even a few 1's, but the break down for these marks is really high for Grade One, to get a 1 (1 like an A) he'd basically have to get everything right 100%. Keep in mind that tests Jeremy has brought home he has only gotten one or two questions wrong and that's if he has gotten any wrong at all. He was still given an average mark. If he was in Grade Three giving the same effort his average mark would have been all 1's. So this is the break down for Grade One:
Work meets standard of excellence 96 - 100% 1 passing
Work exceeds acceptable standard 90 - 95% 2 passing
Work meets acceptable standard 80 - 89% 3 passing
Work is below acceptable standard 65 - 79% 4 approaching but not passing
Work is significantly below standard 64% & less 5 below passing mark
Yes I was very thrilled with Jeremy's report card as last year in Grade One he was 4's and 5's that this is a huge improvement. That 3 mark that he's given is a high 3 as if he gets anything wrong on a test he still ends up with an 88 - 89% mark.
Now in Grades 3 - 6 here is there breakdown:
80 - 100% 1
70 - 79% 2
60 - 69% 3
50 - 59% 4
less than 50% 5
Stitching News
I got some work done on both the model and the UFO RR. Today I'm going to work on the RR and then mail it out tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow so I vision a lot of work done on the model. Which reminds me I need to take a pic of it to show the designer. Just killing me that I can't post pics of it...sniff sniff.
I'm getting excited about the new Blog. Guess the first things I'll need to start posting about are Christmas Ornies, because it's right around the corner. So if anyone has any kewl Christmas Ornie finishes that you'd like me to see please let me know. I'm looking for the all over the board from elaborate to fast and quick......hmmmm sounds like another part of my life, but that more often fast and quick and less often eleobrate.....roflmao
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Thank You Hockey Night In Canada
So I gave my notice yesterday, and those things are never as hard as we build them up to be. They are not happy to see me go which I guess is a good thing. My boss did ask if there was anything she could say to make me stay, and I was like no. Bill thought I should have said yeah pay me $17.50/hour, move me off the front line, and give me full-time hours. Now I knew that scenario was impossible so I didn't say anything. I said no, because I knew what I wanted from her she couldn't give me. She did say if I needed to come back that I could so that is good I guess. I hope I don't have to go back. It's nice to know that they are not happy that I'm leaving.
Stitching News
Got some more work on the model. In two weeks I'll be able to start showing it off. I can't wait as it is looking so pretty. My mail date is Monday for the UFO RR so I'm posting a pic of what it looks like now. I may post another pic Monday if Bill hasn't flown out by then, and take the camera with him.
Also the new blog seems to be starting to take shape. It's going to be under the domain of I already have sites I want to link to, and even ideas of stuff to write myself. I'm thinking that right now I want to focus on finishing techniques that don't require framing. Other more creative ideas. I may eventually link to some good framing instructions, but at first that won't be the focus. So some of you people out there like for example Emily at The Floss Box be prepared that I may be asking permission to link to some of your finishes, and maybe the occasional gentle nudge to write up a tutorial on how the heck you did
Friday, November 16, 2007
It's Not You It's Me
Stitching News
I decided that I was bound and determined to learn the reversible stitch for blackwork. Imagine my surprise to find out how simple it is. I found that I had to keep really close attention to what I was doing when I tried it, but it does work. Not sure I'll do the rest of the model reversible as she doesn't require it stitched reversible, and right now doing the backstitching stitch works for me, and is faster. I will try the reversible stitch at points I'm sure.
Ok I have an idea for a stitchy blog. A blog that is about finishing, and has links on how to finish for example a flat fold or a biscornu. Not sure how popular it would be, but I'm always looking for neat new ways to finish ornies and other stuff. Going to have to give this some thought.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Oh Happy Day
Stitching News
Well Tuesday I was out all night, last night I was recovering from tonight I'll be working on a model. Woo hoo.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Just Call Me Leopard
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Busy Day
Monday, November 12, 2007
Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You?
Take the Quiz here!
It Turns Out I Do Windows
Found a really cool site Crafters I have been on there occasionally since I found it in October. Wow if you can think of a craft they have it there. Plus they always have monthly contests & such. That's the site where I got the idea for the feather wreath. They also have an excellent search function so you can look up like coffee cans & find a bunch of ideas for them. Great for inspiration. Had to admit doing the last two wreaths felt great to doing something and finish it the same day lol.
Stitching News
Worked on the RR yesterday, and today I need to sew the trim onto my shirt for tomorrow, and work on the model.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Feather Wreath
Sunday Lazy Sunday
Stitching News
I worked on the model yesterday which is good. Today I'll do some work on the RR, and add the trim to my shirt for Tuesday.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Two Minutes and Four Hair Pins
Stitching News
Again I did jack squat. I do have something crafty I have to do this weekend. I couldn't find the right top for this Gala thing. I've been looking for awhile. It finally dawned on me that I had seen lots of basic black tops that I liked they just didn't have anything special about them. So I got one at WalMart walked over to the fabric Department, and started looking at trims and such. I did find a black sparkly trim that I like, and a dragon fly. I'm doing to stitch the trim just from the shoulder seam down the front along the neck line. That's a dragon fly key ring I'm debating if I should take the charm off the keyring, and stitch it on the left shoulder area. Might be a splash of colour as everything else I'm wearing will be black. We are also going to Michaels today so I'll look in the bead section for something else I could use. I have a really pretty sheer wrap to wear with the top so I want the top to just be elegant. This is what everything looks like now. I will post another pic when I'm done stitching the trim onto the top.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Now That's What A Small Town Is About
Stitching News
I did jack squat Watched a funny movie with Bill instead. Oh well.
Look Deep Into My Eyes You Love Me
So here we rushed around the other day getting stuff ready as Bill was to have been flying out yesterday, and they are still having problems on the rig. So now it's pushed back until maybe Monday. Pretty much anytime between now and Monday he could get the call as to when he's leaving. One has to want his job two weeks in New Zealand where he didn't do any actual work just a four day course where he got to play in the pool as it was a Helicopter escape course. Basically what to do if a Helicopter crashes. The rest of the time they went bowling, drank beer, and drove around parts of New Zealand. So he then flies home and informs me he may not have to go into the office as he just came back from an international job. Um you mean a paid vacation. So he goes in for half a day Monday and they send him home for most of the week. Like wish my job was that Okay granted when they are working they work pretty hard, but still. Down side is if he doesn't fly out tomorrow they may have to send him on a Domestic job, and then he'd be flying to New Zealand.
Stitching News
More work on the model. That's about it.
I was thinking of those feather wreaths a lot yesterday. Even searched for some pics on a craft board. I saw one that was black boas and sparkly balls. It looked very swanky, but also thought it was missing something. I can't wait to get the stuff to make one. I wanted to do that this weekend like Saturday go to Edmonton, but not sure if Bill would be interested.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Easy Come Easy Go
Hey good news I have a job interview today with City Hall woo hoo. It's for Accounting Assistant. I'm so excited. Go me. So at 3pm today I'll be in there hopefully making them see how valuable I
Stitching News
This part of my blog has been very boring lately. I think Jeremy and I are going to be going to Edmon to get the stuff to make a wreath for Christmas. I'll need a grape vine wreath, feather boa white, and then I'm not sure what else to use. I was thinking small Christmas ornies, and then what well my mind is thinking of either fake poinsettias or some sort of star garland.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
I Feel Pretty Oh So Pretty
So Jeremy had his first night of Hockey last night. Oh what good Canadians we are our kid plays hockey, Bill plays hockey. Actually now that I come to think of it there's not a man in my family that at some point hasn't played hockey, and all us kids know how to skate. I did figure skating for years. Okay I'm off topic here. Jeremy's skating isn't as strong as it could be so he was the weakest skater out there last night, but omg did he try his little heart out. By the end he was almost getting some speed So Jeremy and I are going to be getting some practice skating in. I promised him that as his skating gets better so will his Hockey. I have to hand it to the little bugger he spent more time on his behind than standing/skating it seems yet he didn't give up, he didn't try to get off the ice, and when we asked him if he had fun he said YES. Okay do you want to come next week, and he's like YES. Mom we just need to practice my skating. Okay kiddo is your bum sore. Yeah a little. There's this one I can only call him a brat that has been sorta picking on Jeremy. He slapped Jeremy across the face in the Summer at one of the Day Camps so brat isn't a to strong of a word for him. I got the school involved as this Brayden was making school miserable for Jeremy where he just wouldn't want to go. We I think Brayden has just given up, and they just don't talk now which is fine by me. Well this little brat is at hockey last night. I guess he was taunting Jeremy. 'Jeremy is so slow he can't even score a goal.' Poor kiddo. So I was trying to come up with something Jeremy could say back that wouldn't be totally mean. The best I could come up with was just tell him not to talk to you. If it continues I'll have to talk to Brayden's Dad, but right now I'm going to just wait and see what happens. I WANT to tell Jeremy well just call him a cry baby as Brayden cries in class a lot I guess if he doesn't understand the work being done. But I'm an adult, and two wrongs don't make a right.....dang maturity
Stitching News
Just a few stitches on the model that's about it. Nothing overly exciting.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Another Contest To Enter
Craft Blog Chart Give Away
Craft Blog is having another contest for a chart. A pretty Christmas chart From the Sudberry House Designer Series. Chart #115 by designer Donna Vermillion Giampa and is titled Santa’s Forest Surprise. I love stitching Christmas themed charts. Well keeping my fingers crossed for this
I'm Under Construction
So after two weeks Bill is back home for a week. They never got out on the rig in New Zealand to many problems. So they have to go back. Now how's this for Murphy's Law the night he gets home it starts to snow a bunch, and wake up this morning with a sore throat. Welcome home But the good news is I'll have my good camera for a week so expect a bunch of pictures.
Stitching News
I did stitch yesterday which is wonderful on the model that I can't show off until next month. Going to work on the RR this morning.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Can You Blog For 30 Days?
where one blogs for 30 days for the month of November, and could win a prize so here it goes. If anyone joins the challenge through my blog I'll add your links to blogroll for some linky love during November.
Good luck to everyone.
Stitching News
Haven't done anything for days, but am going to hoo.
Friday, November 02, 2007
My Brain is Just Spinning
Stitching News
Stitching this week nothing. It's calling to Saying Stacey PLEASE WORK ON US WE MISS YOU. I'm just mentally spent at the end of the day that picking it up would probably push me over the edge. I of course only have projects on the go that are large, and require lots of my attention and colour changes. I should have a smaller thing on the go with large blocks of colour for times like this.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Isn't It The End Of The Week Yet?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
O'Hallows Eve
I was chatting with a friend from California as he found out that he had just lots a court case. Crazy court system, but that's another post for another time. So as he's typing with me he says huh earthquake. I go what now? He's like yup feels like a big one a 6. So turns out after I Google it that they did have an earthquake that was a 5.6. That's kinda nuts that they are so calm about those things down there.
Stitching News
Been working on the model lately except last night I didn't do any. The model is coming a long so nice.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
So How Intuitive Are You?
You Are 84% Intuitive |
Your intuition is so spot on it's scary! You can learn a lot about people and situations, simply by listening to your gut. And you've even wondered if you can predict the future at times. Just be sure not to always listen to your intuition... someday it could be wrong! |
Friday, October 26, 2007
I'll Take Harry Potter for $100 Alex
Have I mentioned that I miss my camera :(. I also picked up a pumpkin carving kit at the dollar store that came with 4 patterns to pick from. So I thought that was worth it.
Stitching News
Plugging away on the model. Will work more on it tonight too, and then on the RR this weekend.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
How Cheap Are You?
~ Always use the end pieces in a loaf of bread
~ Reuse bread bags, as well as the bags you put your veggies in at the store
~ Reuse plastic shopping bags
~ I make my own household cleaner. This is mostly due to allergies, but it's still darn cheap to make.
~ Other than socks if I can mend it I will
~ I have a leak in the shower downstairs that I can't fix. There's a bucket under it, and when it gets full enough I will use that to flush the toilet. I'm on a water meter, and saving water = saving me money.
~ If there is more than one length of floss left over from a kit I will keep it, and use it.
That's about all I can think of at the time. Would love to hear how others are money saving.
Jeremy has decided to be Harry Potter for Halloween so going to start getting that together this week.
Stitching News
Well off yesterday I felt like I got a lot done on the RR, but you can't tell by looking at it. Did get a bunch done on the model. The border it starting to look SOOOOO good. Just kills me that I can't share a pic. I may post a pic of the RR just to post a Feels like forever since I've posted a pic.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Message Boards Are Like High School
Woo Hoo Off Today
Stitching News
Worked on the model last night which I can't take pics of yet :( Today I'll do some for the UFO RR, and tonight a little on the model.
Monday, October 22, 2007
I Want My Camera Back
So after the making the oh so exciting Monster Wreath I was searching the same site, and came across this gorgeous wreath Nightmare Before Christmas Wreath I think it's just lovely. I'm going to make something similar for Christmas I'm thinking. All this is, is a boa wrapped around a grapevine wreath, then roses and painted ornaments are added. I'm thinking a white boa, with red roses, and Christmas ornies or Christmas balls added. I'll have to think a little on that one.
Stitching News
I did work on the UFO RR, and feel that I got a bunch done. I totally got the mailing date wrong. For some reason I had it set in my head that we were mailing out beginning of November, but mail date isn't until mid of My piece finally made it to where it was to go. I can't believe how slow the post can be sometimes, and then others so fast. Still waiting on fabbie so that I can start the other model. I should really check if she sent it, but I don't like to be a nag or come across as a nag. I guess a more apt word would be pest instead of nag.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monster Wreath
This is what Jeremy and I created:
Oh I Should Blog About That
Stitching News
So I finished the Biscornu last night, and will post pictures when the person receives it. It was relatively easy to finish. Next one I might finish with a stitched side, and a complementary fabric on the other side. Those instructions I posted yesterday for finishing the biscornu were excellent to follow. I also got some work done for the UFO RR. Today I'll work a little more on that, and then get the model out. Can't wait until December when I can post pics of it as it is really turning out lovely.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
If I'm Stupid Your an Asshole
Bill just left for New Zealand this morning for at least two weeks. Yes it's for work. No I'm not going with him. No I'm not mad I'm not going with him. Those are answers to questions I'm always getting. He has to go spend two weeks working on a rig. What am I going to do in a different country by myself? Would be different if he knew he'd have a few down days, but he knows he won't. To me that is not a fun vacation travel with him, and then split up at the location so he can go work.
Stitching News
Not that much exciting going on. Have to much to stitch not enough time to stitch it all Isn't that always the way. Just finished the stitching part for two Biscornus. I got the idea as well as the patterns from The Floss Box She has really cute free patterns. I also found a neat site that seems to have good instructions for how to finish them Biscornu Instructions I also want to get a bunch done on my UFO RR that I'm in I can't believe the next mailing date is like November 4th I think. Plus the model I'm working on. Yup busy, busy, busy.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Call Customer Service or Send an Email
I was so excited this week and last week there were two jobs I really want. One is a Financial Assistant for the City, and the other a Receptionist at a local Oil Company. Both full-time, and both in town which are good. Well in town is good full-time I'll deal with lol. If I had my choice I'd work like 3/4 time like 3-4 days a week, but all day. Not like the 19 hours a week I'm to average right now. Like I could be scheduled to go in for three hours which really just messes up ones entire day.
Stitching News
I'm doing up something quick for an exchange. I'm not going to say what it is or even post a pic just in case this person reads my blog.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lazy Feeling
Well Bill will be home tomorrow or Thursday. Just enough time to do his laundry a couple of home cooked meals, and then off Saturday to New Zealand for work. He'll probably be gone three to four weeks. Hmmm wonder what kind of trouble I can get into while he's gone lol.
Stitching News
Worked on the blackwork model last night. I was up in the border for part of the night so I don't feel like I got much done, but it's looking good imho.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Can't I Just Stay in Bed?
Stitching News
Even though the frog spent a brief few minutes at my house I feel like I got a bunch of stuff done. Worked on the RR. That's one where you won't see your progress until you take a wip pic. Not sure why some projects are like that, but some are. I also got some work done on the model. I almost have all the outlines done for all the fills on the first page. I then have to go back, and do the fills of course lol. With blackwork I like to do one length outlines, and one length fills. Then when all the outlining is done I do one length fills, one length border. For me it works what can I say.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
No This is Fake ~ Cock A Doodle Do
Stitching News
Well today about the same as yesterday work on the model and the UFO that's about it.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Actually Going Out Tonight
Stitching News
Last night I was actually feeling a little better so I worked on a model for Stitchin'spiration I can't show a picture until December, but it is stitching up lovely. It's a large blackwork piece using Waterlilies silk floss, and a light brown linen fabbie. I can't wait to be able to show it off. This morning I'm working on the UFO RR, and if I can later some work on the model.
Friday, October 12, 2007
What Tarot Card Are You
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Blog Break
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Coughing Diva with No Coffee
So Bill is leaving this morning for Saskatchewan for about five days, and then leaves a week from Saturday for New Zealand. Lucky dog poor baby has to go to New Zealand for at least three weeks for work. Would have been interesting to go with him, but I wouldn't see him he'd be out on the rig the entire time, and I'd be sight seeing by myself woo hoo. So I'll stay home, and probably do a cleanse of some sort.
Stitching News
Well got the first mailing of the UFO RR yesterday. She was mailing from Calgary, mailed it on Saturday, Monday was a holiday, and I got it yesterday. I was pretty surprised thinking that was pretty fast. She sent Rocky Mountain Christmas by Marty Bells. It is very pretty. Or will be when it's done. I got some stitching done on it last night, and will again today. I took a pic as it arrived.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Tuesay Just Like Monday
Stitching News
I didn't get much done n that department last night. A little on Merlin and Arthur. That's about it. That's okay as I had a big happy dance this weekend so over all I'm prety pleased.
Monday, October 08, 2007
When I Feel Down
Stitching News
Well woo hoo SAL (stitch a longs) actually work. So after 8 years, one North American UFO RR, a tab bit of cursing Wind Swept Santa is finally done. Here he is in all his glory. I almost can't believe he's actually done. He was my oldest UFO, and at times a PITA. He was stitched on 14 count aida, Gold Collection Dimension Kit designed by Peggy Abrams. The trim of the toy bag has gold beads, and a french knot garland, there are a scattering of white french knots all over him (I think that is to represent snow flakes, the green garland that he is wearing has red and yellow french knots as well as gold beads. I'm going to try to get some good close up pics of some of the detail. Heck I worked that hard I'm going to show it off so bear with me lol.
Ok here is close up details of Wind Swept Santa:
This pic is a close up of his scarf, and belt. I was to have made tassels for the end of the belt, but I didn't even want to try that so I just stitched bells that matched the ones at the end of his staff.
Note all the french knots in this pic lol. Why he's holding branches from a tree is beyond me lol.
Lastly this is a close up of the trim of Santa's toy bag. What didn't come out very clear is on each bell is a gold bead, again note all the french
Okay I'm sure I've bored everyone enough. Thanks for looking.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Contest ~ Just Nan Silver Needle
I'm going to enter. I don't often win these things but ya never know. This is a very pretty band sampler. I'd probably be tempted to stitch it Or at the very least add it to my 'to do' pile.
Good luck to everyone.
Thanksgiving Roast?
Stitching News
Well I still have Wind Swept Santa out, and have burned it yet. So that is something. Going to make a couple of changes on the chart there are tassels on the end of his belt, but instead I think I'll stitch two of the bells that are on other parts of the chart. Discovered even more backstitching, and a whole other crop of french knots I have left to do last night. Which is why I find it very helpful to look at the finished picture while doing the backstitching. There is still a chance I may finish it this weekend.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
I Will Snuff You Out
Stitching News
So it's the UFO (unfinished object) SAL (stitch a long). I pulled out Wind Swept Santa, and decided to work on him. Not even five minutes after working on him I'm like oh yeah that's why you are a UFO. The pic below looks like he's done, but I still have backstitching to do as well as beads to add, and french knots. I feel on this one the more backstitcing I do the more there is to do. Will her ever be done?
Friday, October 05, 2007
It's a Long Weekend
Stitching News
So I was digging out my UFO's today for the UFO RR that I'm in. First I pulled out Wind Swept Santa as I'd really like to get him done, but as I looked at him I went huh there is just a small tad of backstitching left which I should be able to get done during the UFO SAL this weekend. So instead I'm sending the Thomas Kinkade kit which Bill gave me years ago as a Christmas Present. So be interesting to see how much gets done.