Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Yeah I'm Probably Nuts

So the first day of the job went okay I think. The people seem okay. Other than parking in someone's spot first thing in the morning. I think I did all right. I'm basically an Accounts Receivable Clerk that answers the phone. The building is so cool it's the old Wetaskiwin Court house that the restored the original building then added on glass sections to each end. The original building is from 1907 I got the full tour yesterday, and that includes the old jail cells along with the judges chambers. They've done such a nice job restoring it.
Here is a before pic:

Here is the after pic:

It looks really good from the inside. So yesterday after work I treated myself to a new top, new pants (nice warm ones), a new toque and new gloves. My plan is to walk to work as long as the temperature is above -20 C. Yikes, yeah I'm probably nuts, but the walk will be good for me. We are talking about 10 to 15 minutes at the most. I have a good coat and good boots to wear so I won't totally freeze just feel like I'm freezing.

Stitcing News
Well with working all day, errands after work, grabbing Jeremy, and doing Hockey last night by the time I sat down I was to tired to work on anything. Seeing as I'm walking to work today I'll take lunch in the lunch room so I took the model with me I'll probably work on that there.


Stitchabilities said...

Sounds great,You deserve to treat yourself!!

Anonymous said...

The building really is lovely, I've never seen it before. The additions don't really change the quality of it from the outside. They did a really great job.
You're definitely not crazy for walking to work. I love walking the Alberta winters, I think I'd go to -30 with minimal wind chill. Perhaps I'm the crazy one!

Stacey said...

Nah your right it's the wind that get's me -30 isn't that bad, but that wind will get yeah. The inside of that building is cool I sit on the left side glass & can see all the orginal brick work on one side & look out & see the weather on the other.