Thursday, September 13, 2007

Meet the Teacher

So last night was an Open House at the School, and get to meet Jeremy's Teacher. I had already meet her, and talked to her during the week. It was still nice to go. I have noticed that Jeremy's work thus far this year is complete, neat and more correct than last year. So that is good. He's also sitting as his desk doing his work much better than last year. Granted it's only the second week of Working in group situations or with a partner is a struggle for him to concentrate, and not visit, but I'll take any improvement at this stage. Won't write much today as I don't have much to say at this

Stitching News
Last night was the SAL (stitch a long) for HAED. I worked on my bookmark. Check out pic. Not sure if I made much progress, but I got some stitches done. The pic looks funny, because I didn't flatten out the fabbie at all before I too the

sk story keeper sept 13-07


Loretta @ Stitching the Night Away said...

Oh it's been awhile since I've seen your progress on this one, she's so pretty! I really have to get back into my stitching again.

Stacey said...

She's a PITA I can tell you that. I think the fabbie is distorted now....grumble grumble.