Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Best Cleaner Ever

As I've mentioned before I suffer from skin allergies. It all started when I was working in a Hotel cleaning Hotel rooms. All the strong chemicals they use were to much for my system. Now I'm just very careful. The dishwasher has really saved my hands from being constantly red, blotchy and itchy mess. I even developed my own type of general purpose cleaner which I love and will share. I take a spray bottle fill it half with plain white vinegar, the other half with water, and then I add to drops of dish soap. Those two drops are not enough to bother me. I use this on everything kitchen counters, the floor, bathrooms, windows, and mirrors. Vinegar is not only a natural antiseptic so no need for those antibacterial cleaners which are not good for you anyways, vinegar is also takes odors out. As the smell of vinegar vanishes it removes any yucky smells.

Stitching News
Worked on Merlin and Arthur last night, and got a lot done. I'm about 3/4's done another page. Bill is working out of town today so wonder if I'll be able to finish another page I hope so. I'm to excited for words I have two models heading my way one for Stitchin'spiration a black work model she does wonderful Garden Traditions that I just found out are inspired from old Plantation Houses. How cool is that. I get to stitch one using Caron Waterlilies Silks.....yummy. The other is a BAP (big ass project) that I approached Tammy at Stab and Stash BEFORE I was asked to do the other model. At least on the BAP there is no deadline she just wants to see monthly pic updates. Well I think I can manage that. So I'll have the two models plus the UFO (unfinished object) RR that I mail out for next week. Me thinks I need a rotation, and I should probably post it here to be held accountable. Yup I think I'm nuts.


Emily said...

You are very ambitions with your model plans! :) I don't think I could ever do a BAP model.

Stacey said...

It's like 90 colours and just a tad smaller than Merlina and Arthur what am I getting myself into lol?